Waar slaat Outlook 2000-2007 informatie en configuraties op?

Outlook 2000, 2002, XP, 2003 en 2007 slaan belangrijke bestanden op de volgende locaties op.

Outlook 2000, 2002, XP, 2003 en 2007 locaties

Eerste twee opmerkingen:

1. Sommige van deze mappen zijn waarschijnlijk verborgen. U kunt ze alleen zien in Verkenner als u de optie "Toon alle bestanden en mappen" activeert met het commando "Extra, Mapopties" op het tabblad "Beeld".

2. Sommige bestanden worden pas gemaakt en opgeslagen nadat u de bijbehorende Outlook-functie hebt opgeroepen.

Inbox / Persoonlijke map (extensie .PST)

In Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Outlook

In Windows Vista: C: \ YOUR_NAME \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Outlook

Offline map (extensie .OST)

Windows XP / 2003: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Outlook

Windows Vista: C: \ YOUR_NAME \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Outlook

Persoonlijk adresboek (extensie .PAB)

In Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Outlook

In Windows Vista: C: \ YOUR_NAME \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Outlook

Offline adresboek (extensie .OAB)

In Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Outlook

In Windows Vista: C: \ YOUR_NAME \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Outlook

Aanpassingen voor opdrachtbalken en menu's (extensie .DAT)

In Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Outlook

In Windows Vista: C: \ YOUR_NAME \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Outlook

Instellingen navigatiegebied (extensie .XML)

Dit bestand bevat snelkoppelingen, agenda- en contactlinks en heet "Outlook.xml".

In Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Outlook

In Windows Vista: C: \ YOUR_NAME \ AppData \ Roaming \ Outlook

Geregistreerde Exchange-extensies (extensie .DAT)

In Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Outlook

In Windows Vista: C: \ YOUR_NAME \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Outlook

Bijnamen van Outlook-contactpersonen (extensie .NK2)

In Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Outlook

In Windows Vista: C: \ YOUR_NAME \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Outlook

Regels (extensie .RWZ)

In Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Outlook

In Windows Vista: C: \ YOUR_NAME \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Outlook

Afdrukformaten (bestand "Outlprnt", zonder extensie)

In Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Outlook

In Windows Vista: C: \ YOUR_NAME \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Outlook

Handtekeningen (extensies .RTF, .TXT, .HTM)

In Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Signatures

In Windows Vista: C: \ YOUR_NAME \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Signatures

Briefhoofd (extensie .HTM)

In Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Stationary

In Windows Vista: C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ Microsoft Shared \ Stationery

Aangepaste formulieren

In Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Forms

In Windows Vista: C: \ YOUR_NAME \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Forms

Woordenboek (extensie .DIC)

In Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Proof

In Windows Vista: C: \ YOUR_NAME \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Proof

Sjablonen (extensie .OFT)

In Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Templates

In Windows Vista: C: \ YOUR_NAME \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Templates

Leveringsinstellingen (extensie .SRS)

In Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Outlook

In Windows Vista: C: \ YOUR_NAME \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Outlook

Berichten (extensies .MSG, .HTM, .RTF)

In Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ YOUR_NAME \ My Documents

In Windows Vista: C: \ YOUR_NAME \ Documents

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